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2024 Conference

1000 Ways to Navigate Records
June 9-11, 2024 - Alexandria Bay, NY

2024 Conference Schedule

Monday June 10th, 2024 

8:00am - 9:00am

New Member/First Time Attendee Orientation
New Member? First time attending a NYALGRO conference? Come to this session to get a quick orientation about NYALGRO and what we offer you as a member. Meet other first time attendees and network.

9:00am - 10:15am

How to Start a Records Management Inventory
Conducting a thorough inventory of records is the first step in improving the management of records and information in a local government.  This session will cover the various steps to take to start a records management inventory and will also focus on the benefits associated with conducting a records inventory.  The session will conclude with a description of how the records inventory can be used directly to carry out other activities to further improve a local government’s records management program.

9:00am - 10:15am

Introduction to Electronic Records 
In this class you will learn about electronic records in depth. We will cover what electronic records are and how they differ from physical records. This class is intended to help you manage electronic records effectively throughout their life cycle. You will be confident in how to accurately name electronic files, and you will know how to ensure that your electronic records are legally authentic. You will also learn about the process of electronic records disposition.

10:45am - 12:00pm

Developing a Policy & Procedure Manual
Steve Goodfellow, CRM, and President of Access Systems Consulting, will offer his insight and experience from 35 years consulting with local governments on tips to ease developing your own policy and procedure manuals. Key areas as well as recommendations to save you time developing and updating these essential documents will be discussed - hopefully with some humorous examples!

10:45am - 12:00pm

Building a Relationship Between the RMO and IT
Communicating, collaborating, and cooperating for clear records objectives for your government. Learning how to play well with others to get your records initiatives completed.

1:15pm - 2:30pm

How to Setup a Simple Records Center (Inventory & Supplies on a Budget
Your local government records center is a key part of your records management program; it is a valuable asset in ensuring proper management of inactive and permanent records through their entire management process, from collection of records to management and storage, to records disposition.  This course will cover the basics of establishing a records center, guidelines on operations of, and suggestions for improvements to any currently established centers.  Topics that will be discussed will include evaluating records center facilities, proper environmental and security controls, shelving recommendations, policies and procedures related to operating a records center, associated costs, and venues for obtaining assistance with improving record center facilities.

1:15pm - 2:30pm

Social Media
This class will focus on the implementation of social media archiving systems using vendors. It will include the creation of social media and communication policies, implementation of the program, administrator and user responsibilities, daily monitoring and adapting to new social media technologies.

3:00pm - 4:30pm

Municipal Breakouts - Round-Table Networking 
Attendees will break out into groups based on municipal type - county, town, village/city, fire district, school district. Each group will have personal access to NYALGRO members and RAOs from the NYS Archives. An interactive opportunity to ask questions and share ideas on records management specific to your type of government.

Tuesday June 11th, 2024 

8:30am - 9:45am

What's Missing? What LGRMIF Reviewers Really Want to See in a Grant Application
This session will provide a look into the mind of a LGRMIF grant reviewer. These grants provide funds to improve the management of records for local governments throughout New York State from small villages to large counties. These projects can include everything from a first-time inventory to an intricate content management system. The session will include some examples of good and bad grant applications and the information that is often lacking or not addressed.  This will help hopeful applicants avoid common mistakes reviewers often see.

8:30am - 9:45am

Maintaining Your Microfilm
The New York State Archives undertook a study on the current state of the microfilm industry in order to provide local governments with the best advice on the current usage of microfilm. This session will review the results of that study and outline the Archives advice on the use of microfilm as a records management tool. This session will also provide advice on the care and maintenance of the microfilm that your local government may have in storage.

10:15am - 11:30am

Public Officers Law & Open Meetings Law
The Open Meetings Law was passed in 1976 to ensure that "the public business be performed in an open and public manner…”.  Join this session to learn about the Open Meetings Law and bring your questions to receive advice and guidance from the Committee on Open Government.

1:30pm - 3:30pm

Freedom of Information Law (FOIL)
This session provides an opportunity for attendees to learn more about a government agency's rights and responsibilities in relation to Freedom of Information Law. The class will focus on the areas of concern most relevant to you, so bring your questions, concerns, and unusual situations to discuss and to receive advice and guidance from the Committee on Open Government.

More details on the sessions, meals and other fun activities to come!

NYALGRO (New York Association of Local Government Records Officers)

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